Diploma in Pharmacy

Diploma in Pharmacy at IIHAS Kampala, Uganda: Shaping Future Pharmacists

Welcome to the Indian Institute of Health & Allied Sciences (IIHAS), your gateway to excellence in pharmaceutical education. Diploma in Pharmacy program spans three years and is intricately designed to cultivate the skills and knowledge required for success in the dynamic pharmaceutical industry.

Program Highlights:

  • Course Title: Diploma in Pharmacy
  • Course Intake: July
  • Duration: 3 Years
  • Tuition Fee: 1,930,000 UGX per semester for national students and 2,365,000 UGX per semester for international students.

Minimum Qualifications for Diploma in Pharmacy Course

To be eligible for admission, candidates should meet one of the following criteria:

  1. UACE (A’ LEVEL) with one principal pass in Chemistry and a subsidiary in Biology and any related science subject.
  2. A Certificate in Nursing / Midwifery.
  3. A certificate in Environmental Health Sciences.
  4. A Certificate in Medical Laboratory Techniques.
  5. A certificate in A Health-related discipline that is equivalent to Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) as shall be determined by the National Council in consultation with Uganda National Examinations Board and AHPC.

Please note that the tuition fee does not cover the following:

  • Examination body fees (determined by UNMEB & UAHEB, including logbook).
  • Primary healthcare visits, field attachments, and study visits.
  • Research supervision fee (final semester).
  • Accommodation.
  • Domiciliary fees (applicable in the final semester for the Diploma in Midwifery).
  • Meals (lunch is optional).

Why Choose the Diploma in Pharmacy at IIHAS?

  1. Comprehensive Education:
    • The program is designed to provide a thorough understanding of pharmaceutical sciences, preparing students for diverse roles in the field.
  2. Experienced Faculty:
    • Learn from seasoned professionals and educators with extensive experience in pharmacy. Our faculty is committed to nurturing the next generation of pharmacists.
  3. Cutting-Edge Facilities:
    • IIHAS boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including modern laboratories and simulation centers. Students gain hands-on experience, simulating real-world pharmacy scenarios.
  4. Clinical Exposure:
    • Practical training is a key component of our pharmacy program. IIHAS ensures that students gain valuable clinical exposure in reputable healthcare institutions, preparing them for the challenges of the pharmaceutical profession.
  5. Industry-Relevant Curriculum:
    • The curriculum is crafted to align with industry standards and best practices. We stay abreast of the latest developments in pharmacy to provide our students with a comprehensive and relevant education.
  6. Global Perspective:
    • Recognizing the global nature of the pharmaceutical industry, our program incorporates an international perspective. This prepares our students to be versatile and adaptable pharmacists, whether working locally or on the international stage.
  7. Supportive Learning Environment:
    • IIHAS believes in fostering a supportive learning environment where every student can thrive. Our small class sizes ensure personalized attention, and our faculty is dedicated to the success of each individual.
  8. Career Guidance and Placement Services:
    • Beyond graduation, IIHAS provides comprehensive career guidance and placement services to help students transition seamlessly from student life to a fulfilling career in pharmacy.
Admissions Process in Diploma Pharmacy Program
  1. Check Eligibility:
    • Ensure you meet the minimum qualifications as mentioned above.
  2. Application Process:
    • Submit your application online through our user-friendly portal, ensuring all necessary documents and information are provided.
  3. Admission Confirmation:
    • Successful candidates will receive admission offers. Secure your spot in the Diploma in Pharmacy program at IIHAS by paying the necessary fees.
Embark on Your Pharmacy Journey: Apply Now!

Join IIHAS, where excellence meets innovation in healthcare education. Secure your spot for the 2024 academic year in the Diploma in Pharmacy program and take the first step toward a fulfilling and impactful career in pharmacy. Your future in healthcare starts at IIHAS! Apply now and be part of the next generation of pharmacists.

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